Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Discovery Education for Teachers

So, while I work out the kinks on my QuickTime video upload, I will use the time to review some of the great features that DiscoveryEducation has for teachers....

Once you are logged in, you can access all the same search information that students can.  But, what is great is that you can sort and store the explorations, readings, videos, labs and simulations as you see fit.  So, I try to keep mine organized by quarter and unit and subtopic.  That way, when I need to make it available to students, I can simply assign it from my content instead of having to search all of DE for it.

Then, I can also share this with my school and with my district.  And, what's nice is that over the summer, some teachers were paid to search De for content by grade and topic.  So the "My District Folder" has a plethora of information to use!

And, for teachers, there are a number of reproducible worksheets to go with the activities.  This way students have a place to collect data and answer questions about what they are doing while exploring the assigned activity.  I have found that the worksheets aren't always great, and I have had to "remake" a few of my own.  Sometimes, there is very little information for the student to actually record.  But, once created, these worksheets could go up onto my website for students to download making Discovery Education, again, a wonderful source of information when kids are home or on vacation.

Another feature is that when a student completes an assessment, the teacher can access the scores as many times as the student takes the assessment.... great for keeping track of pre- and post- data.  

Check out these FREE tools for teachers on DiscoveryEducation, so that even without the subscription, you too can enjoy!

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