One more change I will make to my discussion board assignment is to keep a check sheet active as soon as my students begin posting their comments. That way, as I read a post, I can make a check mark next to that students' name and at the end won't need to read ALL of the posts at one time. (Thanks David for your input!) Further, I will have a quick idea if there are any students who have not posted anything at all.
I loved using QuickTime to make an instructional video! It was super easy to make my screen shot video and voice recording. I can think of many uses for this feature. In fact I think I will make one for my students to use to remember how to log onto and use DiscoveryEducation!
BUT, I had a really hard time getting the QuickTime video to upload to my blog. I checked compatibility and space requirements and believe I met all the criteria. And, yet, when I went to publish my post, there was nothing there. So I had to upload to TeacherTube and pride a link for you to see my video there.
In the meantime.... read a bit about blogs and WordPress for yourself...
BUT, I had a really hard time getting the QuickTime video to upload to my blog. I checked compatibility and space requirements and believe I met all the criteria. And, yet, when I went to publish my post, there was nothing there. So I had to upload to TeacherTube and pride a link for you to see my video there.
In the meantime.... read a bit about blogs and WordPress for yourself...
I don't know if it was QuickTime or TeacherTube that had trouble, but your sound was out of sync with your video and seemed to get cut off at the end.